# CHANGELOG ## 0.9.12 [11 January 2017] - Fix: Fixed migrations (dmeroff) - Fix #832: Fixed admin view file (thyseus) ## 0.9.11 [10 January 2017] - Fix: Fixed migrations for postgresql (dmeroff) - Enh #794: Allow fast login without password when in DEBUG mode (thyseus) - Enh #826: Auth action added to auth rules (faenir) - Enh #820: Added ability to switch back to latest user after being impersonated (thyseus) - Enh #774: Added last_login_at column to user table (thyseus) ## 0.9.10 [8 January 2017] - Enh #767: Added support for MS SQL Server (tsdogs) - Enh #795: Added method `getAccountByProvider` to User model to get account model by provider name (dmeroff) - Fix #778: Migrations now use correct db component (dmeroff) - Fix #777: Rethrow exception on failed user creation or registration (dmeroff) - Enh #772, #791: Added ability to log into another user's accoun (thyseus) - Fix #761: Fixed EVENT_AFTER_CONFIRM not triggering on user creation (dmeroff) - Fix #757: Fixed tabindex order in security/login.php view (dmeroff) ## 0.9.9 [13 August 2016] - Enh #746: Changed AccessRule to check other roles/permissions (markux) - Enh #649: Updated test suite to codeception 2.2 (dmeroff) - Enh #725: Removed message that user is not registered in Recovery and Resend forms (dmeroff) - Fix #747: Fixed reverting migrations on PostgreSQL (dmeroff) ## 0.9.8 [09 August 2016] - Fix: Fixed Yandex auth client (dmeroff) ## 0.9.7 [09 August 2016] - Enh: Updated Yii2-authclient required version to 2.1.0 (dmeroff) - Fix: Max password length set to 72 chars (dmeroff) - Enh #378: Added events before and after confirmation (dmeroff) - Enh #593: Added option to allow users to remove their accounts (dmeroff) - Enh #705: Jui datepicker dependency has been removed (dmeroff) - Enh #648: Refactored ajax validation trait (dmeroff) - Enh #581, #164: Added ability for users to set their timezones (yarrgh) ## 0.9.6 [27 March 2016] - `enh` Added new method to Profile model to get avatar url (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed translations sourceLanguage (thezilla-) - `enh` Added ability to grant access to admin part via roles (Talwoasc) - `fix` Fixed postgresql migrations (kfreiman, drxwat) - `enh` Improved login widget (dmeroff) - `enh` Support for custom `admin` role via access control rule out of the box #510 (dmeroff) - `fix` Removed ability to register a new account via social network when registration is disabled #512 (dmeroff) - `fix` Added check if profile model exists in Settings controller #497 (dmeroff) - `enh` Added event triggers to most of actions #411 (dmeroff) - `enh` Added LinkedIn client #496 (SamMousa) ## 0.9.5 [27 September 2015] - `fix` Don't set mailer subject in bootstrap #451 (dmeroff) - `enh` Remove old user tokens with same type while creating new #340 (dmeroff) - `fix` Forbid ability to login via networks for blocked users #434 (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed problems with url rules #351 (dmeroff) - `enh` Regenerate `auth_key` after blocking the user (dmeroff) - `enh` Improved registration process #236 (dmeroff) - `fix` Ensure user/index works without php-intl extension #370 (thyseus) - `fix` Fixed display of confirmation time #361 (pedros80) - `fix` Do not limit username length to 25 chars #369 (thyseus) ## 0.9.4 [6 April 2015] - `enh` Added ability to override translations (dmeroff) - `enh` Improved authentication via social networks (dmeroff) - `enh` Added Latvian translation (uldisn) - `enh` Added redirect to index page when logged in user tries to access login page (thiagotalma) - `fix` Updated Italian translation (maxxer) - `enh` Added usage of `adminEmail` param as default sender name if set (thiagotalma) - `enh` Added link to registration page on login form (thiagotalma) - `enh` Improved username regexp (thiagotalma) - `fix` Updated translations for Portuguese language (invaderhd & thiagotalma & andredp) - `enh` Added integration with Yii2-rbac (dmeroff) - `enh` Improved admin views and controller (dmeroff) - `enh` Added datepicker in user grid view (dmeroff) ## 0.9.3 [9 February 2015] - `fix` Fixed bug with inability to connect network account #275 (dmeroff) - `enh` Added turkish translation (veyselsahin) - `enh` Added lithuanian translation (vilkazz) - `fix` Fixed button css on profile settings page (sosojni) - `enh` Hidden recovery link when `enablePasswordRecovery` is false (marsuboss) - `fix` Fixed gravatar hash creation (nigelterry) - `fix` Fixed invalid redirection after changing account settings (WeeSee) - `fix` Updated messages to be more readable (jspaine) - `fix` Reverted initialization of `user` component (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed bug on confirmation and recovery when invalid token was used (anders-akero) ## 0.9.2 [14 January 2015] - `enh` Improved initialization of `user` application component (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed encoding problem with plain text email messages (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed migration (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed overriding of mailer view files (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed troubles with overriding user search model (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed bug when model was defined as array in modelMap (dmeroff) - `fix` Removed ajax-request flood on login form (thiagotalma) - `enh` Added `th` translation (kongoon) ## 0.9.1 [1 January 2015] - `fix` Fixed overriding of active record models (dmeroff) - `fix` Fixed pt-BR translation (thiagotalma) ## 0.9.0 [30 December 2014] - `fix` Changed ip field type to VARCHAR(45) to handle IPv6 (dmeroff) - `enh` Improved mailer component (dmeroff) - `enh` Updated flash messages and added new module option to disable them (dmeroff) - `enh` Added ajax-validation (dmeroff) - `enh` Added secured email changing strategy (dmeroff) - `chg` Removed ability to delete or block your own account from admin pages (dmeroff) - `chg` Updated create and update admin pages (dmeroff) - `chg` Updated admin index page (dmeroff) - `chg` Removed auto-injecting module in application (belerophon) - `chg` Removed Mailcatcher dependency from test suite (dmeroff) - `chg` Refactored all models (dmeroff) - `enh` Refactored model overriding system (dmeroff) ## 0.8.2 [14 December 2014] - `fix` Fixed croatian translation (trbsi) - `fix` Fixed spanish translation (abolivar) - `chg` Added persian farsi translation (bepehr) - `chg` Added hungarian translation (akosk) - `chg` Added dutch translation (infoweb-internet-solutions) - `fix` Fixed pt_BR translate (thiagotalma) - `fix` Fixed relation between User and Profile (anders-akero) - `fix` Fixed translations (sosojni) - `fix` Added registration_ip label (sosojni) ## 0.8.1 [13 October 2014] Yii 2.0.0 compatible - `fix` Fixed test suite (dmeroff) - `chg` Updated `composer.json` (dmeroff) - `chg` Added check for `enableConfirmation` for resending link (makroxyz) - `fix` Fixed compatibility with PostgreSQL (makroxyz) ## 0.8.0 [5 October 2014] Yii 2.0.0-rc compatible - `fix` Updated admin grid view (hoksilato) - `fix` Recovery token is now deleted after recovery process (mrarthur) - `fix` Registration_ip is now filled with user ip address on registration (mrarthur) - `chg` Refactored email change process (dmeroff) - `enh` Added account settings page and removed email and password settings pages (dmeroff) - `enh` Added tab index on login page (maxxer) - `enh` Added `getIsAdmin` method on user model (maxxer) - `fix` Fixed bug when registration page was not available with `enableConfirmation` option disabled (marsuboss) ## 0.7.0 [31 August 2014] - Reverted removing registration without password - Updated test suite - Added new translations - Added options to configure url rules (#99) - Added new advanced configuration (#93) (BC break) - Refactored registration, confirmation, password recovery - Updated database structure (BC break) ## 0.6.0 [04 May 2014] - Supported MySQL and PostgreSQL - Added login widget - Added registration via social networks - Moved Pass*Field to separate extension - Updated login process: user can log in using email or username - Fixed bug when user password has not been updated from admin panel - Added Vietnamese translation - Refactored test suite - Added Mailer component - Added ModelManager component - Removed factory - Updated composer.json - Added bootstrap class that configures module automatically - Removed custom User component - Removed registration without password - Removed default controller - Removed captcha from all forms - Updated i18n messages and translations - Updated view files ## v0.5.1 [22 March 2014] - Fixed documentation issues - Fixed bug when registration date was not displayed on profile page - Removed checking of user role in admin controller ## v0.5.0 [20 March 2014] - Refactored User model - Added profile page - Refactored tests - Added user settings page - Updated admin views - Added account blocking - Updated database schema - Added [Pass*Field library](http://antelle.github.io/passfield/index.html) ## v0.4.0 [6 February 2014] - Added list of available actions - Added user management (create, update, delete, confirm) - Added installation and configuration guide - Refactored forms - Enabled Trackable as default - Removed Registration form - Fixed bug with captcha - Added prefix usage in migrations and model - Refactored way of sending emails - Modified mail views with [Really Simple Responsive HTML Email Template](https://github.com/leemunroe/html-email-template) - Added factory class - Merged interfaces into new one ## v0.3.0 [16 January 2014] - Added console commands - Refactored test suite - Added 'simple' registration (when password is generated automatically) - Refactored forms - Extracted interfaces for identity class - Added registration form class - Added optional captcha on login, registration, resend and recovery pages - Added access control in recovery controller ## v0.2.0 [12 December 2013] - Added russian translation - Added password recovery feature - Added different login types: `email`, `username`, `both` - Added regular expression on validating username ## v0.1.0 [29 November 2013] - Initial release