Change Log: `yii2-export` ========================= ## version 1.4.1 **Date:** 27-Jul-2020 - (enh #326): Correct PDF writer export for latest PHP Spreadsheet release. - (enh #323): Void return added for PHPSpreadsheet save method. - (enh #321): Update Greek Translations. - (enh #319): Enhancements of export column selector. - (enh #318): Correct icons for bootstrap 4. - (enh #317): Get export type function. - (enh #309): Fix the loss of the first page if batchSize. - (enh #304): Activating Open Collective. ## version 1.4.0 **Date:** 25-May-2019 - (enh #296): Create model via instance method. - (enh #292): Clean output buffers before readfile dump to browser. - Implement stale bot. ## version 1.3.9 **Date:** 19-Dec-2018 - (enh #292): Clean output buffers before readfile dump to browser. - (enh #288): Correct export column selection when `asDropdown` is `false`. - (enh #276): Ability to configure explicit cell formats (header, footer, content, before, after). Explicit cell formats must be one of the `PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\DataType::TYPE_` constants. This can be set via `cellFormat` settings at one or more of the following levels. - `Column::headerOptions['cellFormat']` within `columns` array items. - `Column::contentOptions['cellFormat']` within `columns` array items. - `Column::footerOptions['cellFormat']` within `columns` array items. - The `cellFormat` setting for each array item within `ExportMenu::contentBefore` - The `cellFormat` setting for each array item within `ExportMenu::contentAfter` - (enh #162): Disable page summary validation and rendering for `yii2-export`. ## version 1.3.8 **Date:** 29-Nov-2018 - (bug #284): Correct validation when `showColumnSelector` is `false`. ## version 1.3.7 **Date:** 10-Nov-2018 - (enh #283): Correct export columns validation. - (enh #282): Include use `yii\db\QueryInterface`. - (enh #281): Correct export download to allow parsing new lines in content. - (enh #280): Correct attribute label parsing. - Update README. - (enh #279): Update Persian translations. ## version 1.3.6 **Date:** 13-Oct-2018 - Enhance `ExportWriterPdf` to allow custom formatting ## version 1.3.5 **Date:** 13-Oct-2018 - Enhance PDF output rendering by cleaning HTML for unwanted tags. - (enh #274): Correctly parse UTF-8 filename. ## version 1.3.4 **Date:** 12-Oct-2018 - (enh #273): Enhanced PDF Writer `ExportWriterPdf`. - (enh #272): Better UTF-8 encoding for CSV and TEXT formats. - (enh #271): Locale specific validation messages and code enhancements. - (enh #270): Add iframe as a new target option for export form download. - (enh #248): Add direct download, supplement sheets, data validation features. - (enh #204): Better event listening for dynamic export menu rendering. - (enh #120): Better init of `_columnSelectorEnabled`. ## version 1.3.3 **Date:** 11-Oct-2018 - (enh #269): Correct styles for BS4. - (enh #268): Enhance export columns visibility. - (enh #267): Configurable export menu form parameters. - (enh #266): Enhancements to export form functionality. - (enh #225): Enhance column selector dropdown styling. ## version 1.3.2 **Date:** 04-Oct-2018 - Add .gitattributes. - (bug #264): Correct headers already sent error. - (enh #262, #263): Enhance export menu form action. ## version 1.3.1 **Date:** 24-Sep-2018 - Enhance link file view markup for rendering Bootstrap 4.x styles. - (bug #261): Correct headers sending. - (enh #260): New property `enableAutoFormat` to control autoformatting excel based on grid format. ## version 1.3.0 **Date:** 07-Sep-2018 - Enhancements to support Bootstrap v4.x. - Move all source code to `src` directory. - (enh #256, #257): Correct documentation. - (enh #255): Modify code for better performance. - (kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base#94): Refactor code and consolidate / optimize properties within traits. - (bug #252): Correct krajeeDialog plugin undefined initialization. - (enh #249, #250): New property `exportFormHiddenInputs` for submitting additional data with export form. ## version 1.2.9 **Date:** 24-Feb-2018 - (enh #241): Update Ukranian translations. - (enh #239): New property `stripHtml` that would strip Html tags. - (enh #238): New style options for header, box, and cells. - (enh #236): Autoformat cells via enhanced column configuration style properties. - (enh #235): Change default export path from `@webroot/runtime/export` to `@app/runtime/export`. - (enh #234): Correct temp file deletion. - Refactor and optimize code. - (enh #232): Replace PHPExcel with updated PHPSpreadsheet library. - (enh #230): Export HTML content more correctly fixes #168, #126. ## version 1.2.8 **Date:** 19-Nov-2017 - (bug #221, #222): Correct auto filter. - (bug #211): Correct directory creation to be recursive. - (enh #209): New event property `onGenerateFile`. - (enh #208): Optimize code and eliminate redundant properties. - (enh #205): Updates for mpdf 7.0. Changes to PDF rendering. - Chronological ordering of issues for change log. - (enh #197): Add public method `getExportType` to access through `onRender` callbacks. - (enh #196): More correct `styleOptions` parsing for `contentBefore` and `contentAfter`. - Code documentation enhancements. - (enh #188): Better validation of empty data using `isset`. - (enh #185): Add Vietnamese Translations. - (enh #126): Allow HTML tags in cell value based on data column format. ## version 1.2.7 **Date:** 13-Mar-2017 - Update message config to include all default standard translation files. - (enh #182, #183): Correct column label key increment. - (enh #177): Update French Translations. - (enh #175): Add French Translations. - (bug #165): Empty export result when only first column is selected. - (bug #164): Process export correctly when confirmation alert is not set. - (enh #163): Add dependency for kartik-v/yii2-dialog. ## version 1.2.6 **Date:** 05-Aug-2016 - (enh #161): Implement Krajee Dialog to display confirmation alerts. - Add contribution templates. - (enh #159): Fix export to exel columns with comma in headers. - (bug #155): Fix '0' value being wrongly parsed in empty check. - (enh #156): Add Lithuanian translations. - (bug #151): Correct "undefined offset" when `batchSize` is set. - (enh #150): Created beforeContent and afterContent settings. - (enh #149): Add Turkish translations. - (enh #141): Add grouping option in export column. - (enh #138): Add dynagrid selection support. - (enh #137): Add Estonian translations. - (enh #135): Add Indonesian translations. ## version 1.2.5 **Date:** 18-Apr-2016 - (enh #133): Modify default `pdfLibrary` setting for mPDF. - (enh #124): Add Italian translations. - (enh #123): Allow the exported filename to have spaces. - (enh #121): Add Dutch translations. - (enh #119): Add Hungarian translations. - (enh #118): Validation for empty value. - (enh #117): Add German translations. - (enh #115): Add Polish translations. ## version 1.2.4 **Date:** 04-Feb-2016 - (enh #114): Add composer branch alias to allow getting latest `dev-master` updates. - (enh #112): Added option to configure timeout. - PHP comment formatting and PHPDoc updates. - (enh #100): Add Czech language translations. - (enh #99): New setter methods `setPHPExcel`, `setPHPExcelWriter`, `setPHPExcelSheet` - (enh #98): More correct models count for generateBody. - (enh #89): New property `onInitExcel` as an event for `initPHPExcel` method. - (enh #87): Cache dataProvider total count (for performance). - (enh #78): Add Portugese Brazilian translations. ## version 1.2.3 **Date:** 19-Jul-2015 - (enh #76): Allow fetching models in batches. Fixes #70. - (enh #75): Add Spanish translations. - (enh #72): Configurable menu container tag when `asDropdown` is `false`. Fixes #73. - (enh #69): Various enhancements to export functionality. - (bug #64): Alternative buffer emulation by setting `stream` to `false` and `streamAfterSave` to `true`. - (bug #62): Correct export request param for allowing multiple export menus on the same page. - (enh #52): Bind export elements better on jQuery events. - (enh #51): Fix to correct right filtering of exported data via pjax. - (enh #50): Better exit and resetting of memory after output generation. - (enh #49): Set a better PHP Excel version dependency. - (enh #47): Set asset bundle dependencies with yii2-krajee-base. - (enh #46): New `pjaxContainerId` property added to widget to enable refreshing via pjax. - (enh #45): Fix buffer clearing. - (enh #44): Improve validation to retrieve the right translation messages folder. - (enh #43): Added new `clearBuffers` property for better fix of #40. ## version 1.2.2 **Date:** 14-Feb-2015 - Set copyright year to current. - (enh #41): New bool property `initProvider` to clear previously fetched models before render. - (enh #40): Fix buffer clearing. - (enh #39): Set AssetBundle dependency to kartik\base\AssetBundle. - (enh #37): Added zh-CN translations ## version 1.2.1 **Date:** 20-Jan-2015 - (bug #34): Set lastModifiedBy to default to username instead of datetime ## version 1.2.0 **Date:** 12-Jan-2015 - Code formatting updates as per Yii2 coding style. - Revamp to use new Krajee base Module and TranslationTrait. - (enh #33): Updated Russian translations. - (enh #32): Add`columnBatchToggleSettings` to configure column toggle all checkbox. - (enh #31): Configure separate `AssetBundle` for export columns selector. - (enh #30): Create new jquery plugin for export columns selector. - (enh #29): Display emptyText when no columns selected. - (bug #28): Validation of column name correctly when 0 or 1 column selected. - (enh #27): Add ability to toggle (check/uncheck) all columns in column selector. - (enh #26): Russian translation added. - (enh #25): Template to configure the export menu and column selector button groups. - added ability to configure export form HTML options. - (enh #18): Configurable user interfaces for advanced cases using view templates - `exportFormView` allows you to setup your own custom view file for rendering the export form. - `exportColumnsView` allows you to setup your own custom view file for rendering the column selector dropdown. - (enh #17): New column selector feature to allow selection of columns - shows a column picker dropdown list to allow selection of columns for export. - new `container` property allows you to group the export menu and column selector dropdowns. - allows configuration of column picker dropdown button through `columnSelectorOptions` - auto-generates column labels in the column selector. But you can override displayed column labels for each column key through `columnSelector` property settings. - allows preselected columns through `selectedColumns` (you must set the selected column keys) - allows columns to be disabled in column selector through `disabledColumns` (you must set the disabled column keys) - allows columns to be hidden in column selector through `hiddenColumns` (you must set the hidden column keys) - allows columns to be hidden from both export and column selector through `noExportColumns` (you must set the no export column keys) - toggle display of the column selector through `showColumnSelector` property - column selector is displayed only if `asDropdown` is set to `true`. ## version 1.1.0 **Date:** 26-Dec-2014 - (enh #22): Add property `enableFormatter` to enable/disable yii grid formatter. - (bug #21): Set correct reference to `ActiveDataProvider` and `ActiveQueryInterface`. - (bug #19): Correct rendering of menu when format config is disabled. - (bug #16): Prevent default on menu item click when showConfirmAlert is set to false. - (enh #14): New property `showConfirmAlert` that controls display of the javascript confirmation dialog before download. - (enh #13): Enhance download popup dialog to properly reset. - (enh #12): Translations for Portugese (pt-PT). - (enh #11): Option to set target for export form submission. - (enh #10): Set composer json dependency for yii2-grid. ## version 1.0.0 **Date:** 17-Dec-2014 - Initial release