Change Log: `yii2-widget-activeform` ==================================== ## Version 1.5.0 **Date**: _under development_ - (enh #91, #92): Correct validation for getting form layout style. ## Version 1.4.9 **Date**: 05-Mar-2018 - (enh #89): Optimize and remove redundant code. - (enh #88): Do not render addon content if empty. - (enh #83): Correct PHPDoc to ensure correct return value for `ActiveForm::field()` method. - (enh #82): Allow configuration of `itemOptions` for `checkboxButtonGroup` and `radioButtonGroup`. - (enh #81): Change visibility of `$_pluginHintKeys`. - (enh #79, #80): Allow configuration of multiple addons. - (bug #78): Correct offset CSS class generation for horizontal forms. - CSS enhancements for addons and other styling validation enhancements. - Add contribution and issue/PR log templates. - Enhance PHP Documentation for all classes and methods in the extension. - (enh #76): Refactor code with additional enhancements for horizontal layout (with code support by Enrica): - ActiveForm changes - allow `formConfig` to be changed dynamically between `ActiveForm::begin` and `ActiveForm::end` and move `getFormLayoutStyle` to ActiveField - ActiveField changes - set default template moved from ActiveForm to ActiveField.initLayout() (template and css are properties of an ActiveField) - Enhance public options `labelSpan` and `deviceSize` on level ActiveField also - Defaulting of `labelSpan` and `deviceSize` Priority: 1. Option (fieldConfig), 2. formConfig, 3. _settings (default) - Build CSS for label, offset and Input on level field - bug: Fix for checkbox/radio showLabels=>false - enh: New option `horizontalCssClasses` compatible with yii/bootstrap/ActiveForm with config options for `wrapper`, `label`, `error`, `hint`. These options give complete control for all classes. `labelSpan` still works and `wrapper` is added if there is no `col-` tag defined. - enh: Add template with `{beginWrapper`}, `{endWrapper}` to enclose input, hint, error - enh: Optionally template `{label}` could be split into `{beginLabel}`, `{labelTitle}` and `{endLabel}` tag. `{label}` is still working as usual - (bug #75): Allow `ActiveForm::fieldConfig` to be configured as Closure. - (enh #72): Better hint container markup rendering. ## Version 1.4.8 **Date:** 28-Apr-2016 - (enh #74): Add branch alias for dev-master latest release. - (bug #73): Correct dependency for `ActiveFormAsset`. ## Version 1.4.7 **Date:** 05-Dec-2015 - (bug #70): Correct `staticOnly` form render. - (bug #67, #69): Fix typo for `HINT_DEFAULT`. ## Version 1.4.6 **Date:** 05-Dec-2015 - (enh #66): Better hint data fetch and code reformatting. Refer [updated docs and demo]( - (bug #65): Fixes to staticOnly form rendering. - (enh #64): Enhancement to display and style hints via icon popups or label hover - (enh #61): Use model `getAttributeLabel()` as default in `initPlaceholder`. ## Version 1.4.5 **Date:** 22-Oct-2015 - (enh #60): Enhancements to `checkboxButtonGroup` and `radioButtonGroup`. - (enh #59): Added .gitignore for composer stuff. ## Version 1.4.4 **Date:** 08-Jul-2015 - (enh #56): Implement feedback icons within inputs. ## Version 1.4.3 **Date:** 17-Jun-2015 - (enh #55): Set composer ## Version dependencies. ## Version 1.4.2 **Date:** 11-May-2015 - (enh #54): Set default ActiveForm field template to be consistent with yii\widgets\ActiveForm. - (enh #49, #50): Updates to hint rendering for latest yii ActiveField upgrade. - (enh #48): Various enhancements to Horizontal Form Layout Styles. - (enh kartik-v/yii2-widgets#243): Enhance CSS style `kv-fieldset-inline`. - (bug #46): Bootstrap input group addons for horizontal forms. - (enh #42): New ActiveField property `skipFormLayout` to override and skip special form layout styling. - (enh #41): New properties for adding or wrapping markup before LABEL, ERROR & HINT blocks. - (enh #40): Initialize ActiveField template more correctly. - (enh #39): Change ActiveField private properties to protected. - (enh #38): Fix `autoPlaceholder` property for INLINE forms when `showLabels` is `true`. - (enh #37): Scale inputs to full width in horizontal forms when `showLabels` is `ActiveForm:;SCREEN_READER`. - (enh #36): Prevent offset of checkbox/radio labels for horizontal forms when `enclosedByLabel` is `false`. - (bug #33): Correct autoPlaceholder based attribute label generation for tabular inputs. - (enh #32): Create new `checkboxButtonGroup` & `radioButtonGroup` in ActiveField. ## Version 1.4.1 **Date:** 14-Feb-2015 - (enh #30): Add `control-label` class to labels for Vertical form. - Set copyright year to current. ## Version 1.4.0 **Date:** 28-Jan-2015 - (enh #28): Enhancements for error and hint display for horizontal forms. - (enh #27): New property `staticValue` in ActiveField. - (enh #26): Enhance `ActiveField::staticInput` to include options to show error and hint. - (enh #25): Default `showHints` to `true` for all form types in ActiveForm. - (enh #24): Allow static data forms through new `ActiveForm::staticOnly` property. - (enh #22): Enhance active field template for controlling labels, hints, & errors. - (enh #21): Prevent display of error and hint blocks for static input. - (enh #20): Ability to add markup before and after ActiveField Input. - (enh #19): Add new `showHints` property to ActiveField configuration. ## Version 1.3.0 **Date:** 04-Dec-2014 - (enh #13): Allow `showLabels` property in ActiveForm & ActiveField to be tristate: - `true`: show labels - `false`: hide labels - `ActiveForm::SCREEN_READER`: show in screen reader only (hide from normal display) - (enh #12): Include new `disabled` and `readonly` properties in ActiveForm. - (enh #9): Enhance support for labels and horizontal form layouts - Allow labels to be set to `false` to hide them completely - Enhance HORIZONTAL forms to style labels appropriately when they are blank/empty. - Enhance HORIZONTAL forms to style labels, hints, and errors appropriately when they are set to false to fill the container width ## Version 1.2.0 **Date:** 26-Nov-2014 - (bug #7): Fix custom labels rendering for checkboxes - Set release to stable ## Version 1.1.0 **Date:** 17-Nov-2014 - (enh #6): Fix incorrect alignment of inputs, buttons, and error block for INLINE FORM orientation. - (enh #5): Add special styling for bootstrap input group button addons for success and error states. - Clean up invalid assets, unneeded classes, and refactor code. - (enh #1): Enhance ActiveField inputs to include bootstrap default styles. ## Version 1.0.0 **Date:** 08-Nov-2014 - Initial release - Sub repo split from [yii2-widgets](