Change Log: `yii2-widget-select2` ================================= ## Version 2.1.2 **Date:** 24-Feb-2018 - (enh #249): Update German Translations. - (enh #242): Update Marathi Translations. - (enh #246, #247, #253): Fix Select All behavior for multiple select. ## Version 2.1.1 **Date:** 25-Nov-2017 - (enh #241): Enhancements to Select2 Krajee theme styles. - Updated code of conduct. - (enh #240, #233, #212): Update to latest release v4.0.5 of the plugin. - (enh #236): Enable Select All with Ajax Loading . - (enh #231): Update Chinese translations. - (enh #225, #224): Add Finnish translations. - (bug #220): Correct multiple ajax select bug. ## Version 2.1.0 **Date:** 07-Aug-2017 - (enh #220): Correct array combine for multiple select. - (enh #215): Add Armenian translations. ## Version 2.0.9 **Date:** 12-Apr-2017 - (enh #208): Enhance select2 clearing of values. - Update copyright year to current. - (enh #206): Add Farsi translations. - (enh #201): Add Lithuanian translations. - (enh #198): Add Portuguese BR translations. - (enh #196): Add multiple options more correctly. - (enh #189): Add Spanish translations. - (enh #185): Add Gujarati translations. - (enh #183): Add French translations. - (enh #179): Open Select2 with accesskey. - (enh #178): Add Hindi and Gujarati Translations. - (enh #170): Enhance select2 validation for `has-success` and `has-error` states. - (enh #168): Disable `Select All` functionality for ajax based multiple selects. - (enh #166): Add Portugese Translations. - (enh #165): Add Chinese Traditional Translations. - (bug #164): Parse empty value correctly for `multiple` mode. - Update to latest release of select2 plugin. - (enh #153): Add Ukranian Translations. - (enh #150): Add Latvian Translations. - (enh #151): Add Polish Translations. - (enh #141): Add Thai Translations. - (enh #131): Add Estonian Translations. ## Version 2.0.8 **Date:** 17-Feb-2016 - (enh #126): Enhance jQuery event handling for Krajee's additional features. - (enh #125): Update to latest release of the select2 plugin (v4.0.2-rc.1). - (enh #124): Maintain order of selected values for an update scenario. - (enh #119): Add Slovak Translations. - (enh #117): Add Dutch Translations. - Add branch alias for dev-master latest release. ## Version 2.0.7 **Date:** 10-Jan-2016 - (enh #110): Enhancements for PJAX based reinitialization. Complements enhancements in kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base#52 and kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base#53. - (enh #109): Add Hungarian Translations. - (enh #108): Remove navbar styling from Krajee theme. ## Version 2.0.6 **Date:** 22-Dec-2015 - (enh #104): Enhance Select2 custom init routines to work with jQuery, AMD and CommonJS. - (enh #103): Enhance maintaining order of multi select tags. - (enh #102): Enhance toggle all auto-reset based on each option clear, change, or form reset. - (enh #101): Consolidate asset bundles. - (enh #100): Update Russian translations. ## Version 2.0.5 **Date:** 21-Dec-2015 - (enh #99): Add messages and translations support. - (enh #98): Various enhancements to the Select2 widget. - Fix the plugin bug which does not close the dropdown when a value is cleared using the `x` clear indicator. - Enhance widget to show bootstrap `success` and `error` states for active field trapped errors - Better and more dynamic theming support - Allow select2 to be reset correctly when parent form is reset (controlled by boolean property `changeOnReset`) - (ref enh #69): Enable SELECT ALL and UNSELECT ALL to toggle all options for multiple select (new property `toggleAllSettings`). Allow complete configuration and styling of the same . - (ref enh #97): Enable select2 dropdown to maintain the right order of tags/options for multiple select (new boolean property `maintainOrder` which defaults to `false`. Set this to `true` to maintain order) - Consolidate and refactor code to just call one additional JS initialization script after plugin initialization. A new data-attribute `data-s2-options` is now stored in parent select input. This will store the global variable that will maintain the additional Json encoded options to be used by `initS2Loading` method. - (enh #97): Allow maintaining order of pills selected for multiple select. - (enh #69): Add ability to select and unselect all options for multiple select. ## Version 2.0.4 **Date:** 22-Sep-2015 - (enh #96): Enhance fix for clearing Select2 selection. - (enh #94): Update to latest release of Select2 plugin. - (enh #67): Remove redundant code in embedAddon. ## Version 2.0.3 **Date:** 13-Sep-2015 - (enh #64): Ability to reset Select2 on form reset. - (enh #58): Enhance styling of Select2 Krajee theme for non input groups. - (enh #57): Better handling of `multiple` property. ## Version 2.0.2 **Date:** 01-Jul-2015 - (enh #54): Styling for select2 on focus (via tab and applicable only for THEME_KRAJEE). - (enh #53): Correct validation of values using `isset` instead of `empty`. - Rename `lib` folder to `assets` for consistency. ## Version 2.0.1 **Date:** 07-Jun-2015 - (enh #49): Allow custom tags to be added for both single select and multiple select. - (enh #44): Trigger custom event `krajeeselect2:cleared`. - (enh #43): Code style and formatting fixes. - (bug #42): Fix plugin bug that prevents clearing Select2 input correctly. - (enh #34): Better initialization for `data` and `multiple` ajax select. - (enh #32): More correct language validation. - (enh #28): Better width style validation for Select2. ## Version 2.0.0 **Date:** 09-May-2015 Major revamp to the widget. Version bumped to release v2.0.0. - (enh #27): Updates Select2 plugin to release v4.0. The following additional functionalities and changes should be expected with this new release: - New `theme` property that allows you to set themes in Select2 to style your widget. - A brand new theme by Krajee `Select2::THEME_KRAJEE` is specially styled for Select2. This will help achieve various new yii2-widget-select2 features. This theme matches the bootstrap 3 styling with enhancements. - Additional themes provided in form of `Select2::THEME_DEFAULT`, `Select2::THEME_CLASSIC`, and `Select2::THEME_BOOTSTRAP`. One can add their own custom theme and configure the widget. - No more `query` plugin property needed. It is also not mandatory to configure `data` even if you have not set `tags` or `query` or `ajax`. Widget will intelligently evaluate the properties and default list values. - Enhanced tagging support. Use it just like a multiple select but with taggable values. In addition, one can create tags on the fly. - Enhanced ajax support. Refer the [demos]( for details. - The `initSelection` method of Select2 3.5.x plugin is obsolete/removed. New `initValueText` property is been provided with the Select2 widget to cater to this (e.g. for ajax based loading). - Ability to disable selective option values in the Select2 dropdown OR add HTML attributes to selective options. - Enhancement by Krajee to disable the search box to use like a normal select. - Enhancements to locales and translations. Allow multiple language Select2 widgets on the same page. ## Version 1.0.1 **Date:** 03-May-2015 - (enh #22): Enhance JS code to support older browser/IE versions. - (enh kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base#34, kartik-v/yii2-krajee-base#35): Enhance i18n translation locales. - (enh #13): Add ability to hide search control and use as normal select. - (enh #2, #3): Register assets based on availability of locale files. ## Version 1.0.0 **Date:** 08-Nov-2014 - Initial release - Sub repo split from [yii2-widgets](