Using Yii2 Geo With Yii2 Mapbox with Leaflet helper ======= A powerful tool was created with use of Yii2 Geo and Yii2 Mapbox with Leaflet helper [Yii2 Geo]( [Yii2 Mapbox with Leaflet helper]( The demo ======= 1) Create a map with Mapbox ``` ``` 2) Create and action to response in geo format ``` use perspectivain\geo\kml\Kml; use perspectivain\geo\kml\models\Polygon; use perspectivain\geo\kml\models\Point; public function actionCityDistricts() { $document = new Kml; //change to "new Geojson" to generate this file $document->id = 'district'; $districts = District::find()->all(); foreach($districts as $district) { $polygon = new Polygon; foreach($district->coordinates as $coordinate) { $point = new Point; $point->value = $coordinate; $polygon->value[] = $point; unset($point); } $document->add($polygon); unset($polygon); } return $document->output(); } ``` 3) Integrate KML file to map ``` ``` Result ![](